A space for learners to build curiosity, competence and confidence, and where parents and teachers find the support they need.

Education should be meaningful, relevant and intentional.


Authentic, effective learning requires much more than just informed instruction. Students learn best when they feel safe, engaged, connected and supported – so while we at Ed Coach can absolutely help with subject content, we also do so much more.

Students stay engaged, develop a love for lifelong learning, and function well in their environments. The long-term goal? To equip them for living purposeful lives.

Student support

Our Ed Coach Approach is built around parents, teachers – and students themselves – working together to identify areas of growth and set goals.


Parent support

Our custom-designed workshops and parent first-aid packages teach tried and true practices that help you navigate the challenges, while adding harmony and joy to your home.


Teacher support

In so many ways, teachers are called upon to step up, give more, do things differently and go beyond. We help dedicated teachers meet these demands and maintain their own essential well-being.


“Ed Coach considers the whole child; not just an exam. It makes all the difference.”

— Jay, parent



Ready to transform what learning means to you? Get in touch.


(868) 389.2969