We’re back. Now what?

You know that scene at the end of Finding Nemo when the fish finally escape from the dentist’s aquarium, make it to the sea (each in their individual plastic bags), and one of them asks, “Now what?” Now that we’re finally back to school, doesn’t it feel a little bit like that?

There are a lot of questions about what to do next, concerns about “learning loss”, and anxiety all round as students, parents and teachers try to settle back into some sort of routine.

Got five minutes (or less)? In this episode of our podcast, Just give me 5 minutes, please!, we address the “Now what?” question — and the good news is, the answer is entirely up to you!

Take a listen below, share if you like, and subscribe to the feed for more episodes as they become available.


Get curious, not furious.


Back-to-school, (podcast-style).